29 December, 2007

My Siblings.

It has been a long time since I updated the blog. Let this entry be the last post of this year and await more upcoming and happening stuffs in 2008.

I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. Although they are my siblings, I treat them as my best friends. I told them almost everything and I know that they would always stand by me whenever I needed them. Being the youngest, I got many disadvantages. They joked about me, bullied me and make me do things I dislike. However, when I got bullied by others, they would kick up a big fuss and sometimes, even resort to lawsuit. I love them a lot. They know how to protect me and would tell me what is right and wrong based on their experience. Although there may be times I felt that my parents neglect me because of them, I do not mind. Because afterall, they are my siblings and I know they would always share.

Let me start by telling you more about my eldest sister. She is currently working in Tan Tock Seng Hospital as a nurse. She has all the qualities of what an eldest sister should have. She is independent and puts her family in the top priority. She is very hardworking and this motivated us to learn from her. She do not mind falling out with her friends because of us. She tried all possibilities to get what we always wanted. She even played the role of our parents in providing us with what we needed like refrigerator and washing machine. She may be fierce to us if we are in the wrong, but she never resort to violence and always talk to us and teach us the right thing. She will always be my beloved sister, I love her.

My brother is handsome and attracted many girls. He is very clever and a fast learner. He loves to club a lot. He always teaches me how not to let other girls cheat on me. He also tells me a lot of things that could motivate me and be like him. He has a mindset that many would disagree. However, whatever he said makes sense and really inspire me a lot. He sacrifices a lot so that we could get a better life. He is the apple in my mother's eye and I want to be like him, because he is the best.

Last but not least, my second sister whom always irritate me. She is a girl whom you could not predict because her mood changes faster than the weather. She is always paranoid about her hair and her looks although she is above average looking. She is the smartest in my family and excel in her English Language. She also composes poem, but lesser now. She loves to contradict herself and has many dreams. She loves to tell me about things that she is interested and that I am not interested. Nevertheless, she is the one I would confide to immediately whenever I have problems. I know she is always helping me and I appreciated it a lot. I love you!

That is how my siblings like. They are unique in their own ways and we communicate to each other like friends, unlike others. So if you have siblings that seemed to you like a stranger, start communicating because It's never too late.

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