It has been a long time since I've blogged. Was just plain lazy but couldn't bear to close down my blog. Therefore, I'm here to blog again. This time is about my 3days 2nights in the Blaze/NACLI Camp. Its a camp set up to nurture young leaders and I am one of the few who got selected.
Before going to the camp, I have already had a rough idea on what the camp was going to be like. I was dissuaded by many friends to joining them in other activities and abandoned the camp. They gave me all sorts of reason like it was a classroom based camp and you would have to attend lectures which would bore you. And since its the school vacation, why not join them to have fun instead of attending such boring camp? At first, I was eager to be with friends and forget about the camp. However, I deter and stop thinking of what my friends have said.
I assembled early in school because I chose to take the bus provided by the school to go to the camp site which is located at Buona Vista South. We boarded the bus at 10am and reached our destination 1 hour later. I've got a few friends who joined the camp too, but we were all split into different groups. Given my outgoing personality, I got no problems making new friends.
Yes, indeed the camp has lecture. But the lectures were fun and filled with laughter with almost everyone so readily to speak up. I self-introduced myself as a 'shy boy' just to add on with more laughter in the class. And throughout the 3days or even till now, my nickname as a shy boy still sticks with me. However, its not because I'm shy.
First day in Blaze Camp.
We had to decorate our own lanyard to label ourselves and since I'm called as 'Ah dick' by most of my mates in school, I wrote that. That lanyard thingy brought lots of laughter to camp mates from all the different groups. The first lesson taught to us was being a 'servant leader'. The lecturers showed us a movie of two particular African tribal group that were at war and that no international allies help except for one person who is a hotel manager. After watching the movie, we were given 15minutes to plan for a skid so that we could act out in front of the class. Our skid theme is 'Empathy and Acceptance'. Being such a drama queen, I gave lots of ideas to my group members on what they must do and how am I going to react. But however, we still stick to me being a shy boy without and friends in our skid. Although it may sound boring to some people, but the classes conducted are really fun. After that, the facilitator showed us to our room and we were all surprised. Four people in each room and there is a bathroom, heater, hair dryer, wardrobe, balcony and even air-conditional. Its more like a holiday than a camp to me. After lunch, we were called into the learning lounge a.k.a hall to play our games. I was the star player for my team in dodge ball, was in the ninth heaven when my facilitator mentioned that to me. After the games, we had our dinner and off we go for the amazing race. My team came up to be the first to complete the race and that was really great satisfaction for me and my team. Everyone in the team got to be a leader at least once to plan and strategise about the places we are going and the how the games are suppose to be play. It was a long night for me but a wonderful one. I went to have my sleep with a smile across my face knowing that we are the champion.

The bed I slept on from 02/07 - 04/07
Second day in Blaze Camp.
We got up as early as 8am to go for our morning exercises before proceeding to our breakfast. It was a long day and an enjoyable one for us. By now, I got my own clique and we stick closely to each other and tell jokes. I remember making the girls laugh till one got choke and the other cried and beg me to stop my jokes. I never knew I could be so humorous. We proceeded back to classes to learn about different types of leaders. This time, we have to draw without using any words about what a leader should be like. Those selected drawings must explain to the whole class what does his/her drawing stands for. Also, we were scattered to other groups to solve a problem together. We also get to discuss which leaders really impacted our life the most and we were the only group to state that its our parents. After what we've done, we were told that each team must come out with a name, cheer and performance. And every individual must give a speech on this year's theme - My hero, My leader. This time round, Nana was the leader trying to think of what we are suppose to perform. The boys who are supposedly rehearsing for the stomps are playing basketball sweating like pigs. But we still did pretty well and did not screwed up while performing. Our team was also awarded for the champion in game and I am so proud of it. The night did not just end here. We (The clique) sneaked out of the room to play soccer in the basketball court when the facilitator said lights off. When we saw the facilitators patrolling, we ran and hide from their sight. However, we still get caught as we knocked the room of the facilitators thinking that its our friends. We got lectured by the facilitators and off I went to have a wonderful sleep.
Nurturing leader in progress!
Ready to PERFORM!
We assembled early and there were no morning exercises as we need to check out of our room earlier than the given time slot. We went for team building and we need to play games that involved a lot on teamwork. We set the highest record for the Moonball activity. Our team got further split into two groups for other games and activities but we were still helping one another knowing that we are a team. Although there was one particular game called the Trolley that makes everyone quarrel and hurl vulgarities at one another, but after the game, we still are one. That what makes a team right? Everyone changed to the Camp polo tee upon getting ready to go home. Everyone received a certificate upon completing the Blaze Camp and I reckoned that everyone went home with a happy memories that we wouldn't want to forget for the rest of our life, right?
This camp certainly makes me a stronger person with a stronger mindset. What mattered to me most now is not about winning, but the process we went through with the sweat that we shed. I also learned that failures and successes are just differentiate between a thin line. Life is tough, we cannot have everything that we want but that doesn't mean we couldn't achieve it. This Camp experience certainly makes me a much more responsible person in life and also a confident leader and a team player whom everyone would want to respect and adored.
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