The Class!
I got to know Hoiyan when we were in Sec 1. She was my Mandarin class classmate. She was very quiet back then, very serious in her work and always score in her subject. We never exchange conversation and when I open my mouth to speak to her, it would most probably be a request on asking if I could copy her work because my Mandarin back then was atrocious.
Fast forward to Secondary 3, she became my classmate (3N1). Still, I do not dare to approach her because I know good students like her would not want to hang out with bad students like me. I do not know what happen but things got better after some time. One of the reasons would be that she is seated behind me during Chinese lesson and I remembered vividly that I use to disturb this girl, Si Xuan. Because of that, I kept got scolded by buddy. However we communicated and laughed, deep down in my heart, I still am feeling inferior when it comes to being her friend.
Sec 4 came and we were in the same class again, this time round, she is seated beside me. Because of that, I would always tease her because I love teasing people, especially those who do not retaliate. She was very much open up and becomes very cheerful. And that was when we started talking more often and we would always take the same bus home together. Not only that, she became my ‘secretary’ filing my worksheets and notes because I am someone lazy, but at the same time, love being neat. Contradicting huh? She would always help me take down notes and do ‘correction’ for me because I will always be seen sleeping in class.
Our friendship blossom and we often go out together as a group even until now. The common area that we shared in my opinion would be that we are always the ONLY two Singaporeans present in the big group of Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal clique.
The Clique!
I felt that buddy is someone who is very weak, maybe because of her petite size. I always have the urge to want to protect her and frankly speaking, I dote on her a lot. Though she would always entertain me by laughing at my jokes which are often not funny, I appreciate it a lot. I know school is tiring, yet she needs to endure my nonsense all the way from Woodlands to Hougang but would still call me and ask if I want to go home with her together. Because of these calls and occasional texts I got from her, I felt loved by her and thank god to have her in my life.
As for Meilinda, I remember very clearly that I know her since the last day of my Sec 2 in the school canteen. Just as what I am like, I randomly teased her by asking if she have been hanging out with this guy named Derek.
Coincidentally, she became my Sec 3 classmate and a very hardworking girl like buddy, but results were just average. She was more outspoken with lots of friends that always surround her like Jamlin, Ericsson and Wei Hao. Though she is more outspoken than buddy, it was only until Sec 4 that I grew closer to her. I guess it’s because of her wanting to set up surprises for one of my classmates and we have to fork out money that I started interacting with her. She was/is always the one coming up with surprises and I reckon why a lot of people actually liked her. She is selfless and always thinks about others more than herself.

The Surprises!
I still remember during the N level period in Sec 4, I was very nervous about Principles of Accounts (POA) because I almost slept through my Sec 3 and Sec 4 POA lesson. I called Meilinda and ask if she could teach me because she was very good in her POA back then. Even until now, whenever I needed help, she is always the first person that comes to my mind. Because of her never-give-up attitude towards teaching me the subject, I manage to get a Band 2 in my POA N level and shock my POA teacher, Mrs Yeo. From then on, I started having interest in Accounts and even took it during my ITE days.

The Study Group!
Meilinda always give me the impression of being very strong and very responsible. She always wants her friends to be really happy around her but deep down, she is very weak and needs a lot of love and attention from the people she adore. Though I am always seen bickering and hitting her when we were out together, she is still very much loved by me. If only she is not someone whom I know very well, I would consider giving it a try into pulling her into a relationship! She is a super ideal girlfriend, and until now, I still could not figure out why people in his right mind would want to break her heart so much, sometimes I just felt that every tears that she shed have got something to do with me and I am always feeling very guilty.
These amazing ladies actually did lots of things with me like surprising me during my birthday; shopping and hunting of food; chalet; gossiping about others; sharing of problems; Karaoke sessions; and the most recent one, TRAVELLING!
Before this trip to Genting, I actually did a survey on asking a group of girls if they would mind spending a few nights with a male friends overseas in the same hotel room and most of them actually gave ‘no’ as the answer. That is why I am greatly touched by their gesture of asking me to the trip and even allowing me into the same room as them. Due to the fact that they know me more than I know myself, they should know what kind of guy I am and still trusted me which I felt very touched and loved because they see me as their very good and close friend thus do not mind.
After the trip, our bond got stronger and that these words that I’ve just written do not do justice on how important they are to me in my life, but deep down inside, I love them more than life.

I love you Meilinda and Buddy! Always!