05 April, 2008

The Truth.

After my BFF, Xinsheng left for China on a vacation trip. I realised one thing. I do not have many friends. My sister told me that she reckoned he is my only friend. Because I only spent my time with him, goes out with him and enjoy with him. Not many friend calls me after he left except if they need any help from me. I began to understand what my mother's neighbour told me.

He told me God gave us ten fingers for a reason. The reason is that in life, you will only have ten friends or less. And if you have more than that, they ain't your friends, but someone who would take you for granted and used you. He owns a pub couple of years ago and travel to lots of countries. He is loaded and often treat his 'friends' to restaurants and KTV. When his friends are in need, he would fork out a lump sum of money to help them. He is a very generous and humble man. After his business went downhill, he became penniless and had to take over his mother's job in a neighbourhood selling clothes. There will be one or two friends coming by and talk to him occasionally, and they are always the same people. So, he told me not to put in too much trust in what do we term as 'friends'.

I have no friends. After all those party-ings with my secondary school mates and gatherings. I found out that we ain't really close actually. I cleared my phone list upon graduating and so do they. When I text them, they would ask me who I was, and vice versa. I reckoned that we are all very fake towards one another. We would be smiling and chatting away happily but when we were alone, we would forget about everything. So overall, I only have Xinsheng as my friend and my real friend, I hoped.

So lastly, I would said that not everyone are true towards you and also, the other way round. Do not trust someone so easily because there would be consequences. When there is someone out there who is true towards you as a friend, grab hold of that someone and who knows he/she would be your 'lucky star' for the long run in Life.

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